HELLO My name is |
I am |
ALWAYS!, activist, adult, anarchist, autistic, BDSM, bear, big brother, bitchboi, boydyke, butch, Communist, commie, confused, cousin, creative, dude, dyke, faerie, fagette, fat, feminist, freak, friend, friend of Dorothy, full of love, gender abolitionist, gender anarchist, gender euphoric, gender expressive, genderfuck, grrlboy, guydyke, hairy, kinky, leftist, loving, misrepresented, misunderstood, nephew, out, passionate, polyamorous, pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-sex feminist, puppy, queer, queer liberationist, radical, recreational gender blender, Socialist, sadomasochist, self-defined, sensitive, sex positive, she-bear, sir, slut, spiritual, switch, tranny, trans, trans-loving, transexual, transman, transmasculine, transsexual, transy, tranz, Victor/Victoria, versatile, weird, working class, YES! |
Who are you? |